Mr. Nam 68

Frierich-Ebert-Straße 14
45257 Essen

Speisekarte von Mr. Nam 68

Speisekarte filtern
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 11.07.2022
Goi Cuon
2 pieces, summer rolls with an ingredient of your choice, rice noodles, lettuce and herbs rolled in rice paper, served with Hoisin sauce or Mr. Nam sauce
Nem Chay
6 pieces, crispy, vegetarian mini spring rolls with sweet chili dip

vegetarisch vegetarisch

Nem Ran
2 pieces, crispy rice paper rolls with minced pork, vegetables and glass noodles, with sweet chili or Mr. Nam sauce
Tom Chien Bot
6 pieces, prawns in a crispy batter with a sweet chili dip
Mr. Nam Starter Mix
3x vegetarian mini spring rolls, 3x shrimp in batter and 3x crispy chicken strips

vegetarisch vegetarisch

Banh Bao
steamed yeast dumpling with an ingredient of your choice, a filling of meat, glass noodles and vegetables
flat rice noodles in a rich broth with ingredient of your choice, soybean sprouts and herbs
Mi Quang Nuoc
yellow noodles in broth with hearty, sweet marinated pork and pak choi
Bun Bo Hue
spicy, rice noodles with beef and pork and bean sprouts in a strong broth with lemongrass
Bún Cá
rice noodles with fried salmon, herbs, peanuts and lime
Bún Gà Xào Xả Ớt
spicy, rice noodles with fried chicken, chili and lemongrass, with lettuce, herbs, peanuts and Mr. Nam sauce
Bun Thap Cam
rice noodles with beef rolls in betel leaves, fried beef and crispy rice paper rolls with minced pork, served with lettuce, bean sprouts, peanuts and Mr. Nam sauce
Bun Heo Quay
crispy pork belly with rice noodles, lettuce, herbs, roasted onions, peanuts and lime
Bun Nem
rice noodles and Vietnamese spring rolls with minced pork filling or vegetarian, with salad, herb peanut sauce and Mr. Nam sauce

vegetarisch vegetarisch

Bun Bo La Lot
rice noodles with beef rolls in betel leaves, with lettuce, herbs, bean sprouts, peanuts and Mr. Nam sauce
Einem Gaumenfreund schmeckt dieses Gericht
Bun Bo Nam Bo
rice noodles with fried beef, lettuce, herbs, peanuts and Mr. Nam sauce

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von Mr. Nam 68 ist der 11.07.2022. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.