Jules Café - Canteen - Beergarden

Luckenwalder Straße 6b
10963 Berlin

Speisekarte von Jules Café - Canteen - Beergarden

2 for 1 - Green Bowl
with quinoa, edamame, broccoli, spinach, goat cheese and pink hummus
2 for 1 - Teriyaki Bowls
with broccoli, red ginger coleslaw, sesame and pickles and an ingredient of your choice
2 for 1 - Tuna Bowl
with tuna, pumpkin pickles, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, Sriracha mayonnaise, basmati rice and roasted pumpkin seeds
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Green Bowl
with quinoa, edamame, broccoli, spinach, goat cheese and pink hummus
Teriyaki Bowls
with broccoli, red ginger coleslaw, sesame and pickles and an ingredient of your choice
Tuna Bowl
with tuna, pumpkin pickles, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, Sriracha mayonnaise, basmati rice and roasted pumpkin seeds
Red Dahl
with red lentils, root vegetables, Madras curry, coconut milk, herbs and soy yogurt
Chili sin carne
with basmati rice, soy slices, tomato, onion, garlic, corn, fava beans and lentils

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von Jules Café - Canteen - Beergarden ist der 19.11.2023. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.