
Knesebeckstraße 15
10623 Berlin

Speisekarte von Conéro

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 20.04.2022
Speisekarte filtern
layered salads with dressing in a 720ml returnable jar incl. 0,50€ deposit
Quinoa Broccoli
Ingredients: quinoa (50%) (white, red, black), broccoli (40%), rapeseed oil, vinegar, lemon juice, cranberry, cashew nuts, mustard, iodized salt, pepper

vegan vegan

Quinoa Lentils
Ingredients: Lentils (50%), quinoa (20%) (quinoa white, red, black), avocado, rapeseed oil, vinegar, lemon juice, spinach, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, mustard, iodized salt and pepper

vegan vegan

Couscous with Falafel
Ingredients: couscous durum wheat (35%), chickpeas, tomatoes, sesame paste, parsley, onions, garlic, lemon juice, rapeseed oil, spices, pepper, iodized salt
in a 720ml returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Red Curry with Peas and Chickpeas
Ingredients: Tomato pieces (20%), rice (rice, wild rice), chickpeas (20%), peas, water, tomato paste, corn starch, onions, rapeseed oil, vegetable broth, curry, spices, iodized salt, pepper
Green Curry with Broccoli and Tofu
Ingredients: rice (rice, wild rice), coconut milk, broccoli, tofu, soy yoghurt, water, almonds, onions, vegetable broth, curry, turmeric, chilli flakes, iodized salt and pepper
Sweet Potato Curry with Lentils
Ingredients: rice (rice, wild rice), sweet potatoes (20%), lentils, water, coconut milk, tomato paste, vegetable broth, curry, turmeric, chilli flakes, spices, iodized salt and pepper
Vegetable Curry with Pineapple
Ingredients: rice (rice, wild rice), pineapple (12%), water, paprika, carrots, zucchini, coconut milk, vegetable broth, curry, spices, corn starch, salt and pepper
Chili sin Carne with Soy Schnitzel
Ingredients: rice (rice, wild rice), tomato pieces, kidney beans, corn, tomato juice, water, beer, soy pulp, corn starch, tomato paste, onions, broth, paprika powder, garlic, cinnamon, chilli flakes, iodized salt, pepper, spices
Potato Salad with Beans
Ingredients: potatoes (60%), sweet potatoes (20%), white beans, vinegar, onions, iodized salt, spices, pepper
Pasta with Vegan Bolognese
Ingredients: Vegan Bolognese (55%) (tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, onions, red lentils, soy pulp, grape juice, rice syrup, iodized salt, spices, garlic, chilli, pepper), pasta (45%) (hard white semolina, dried tomatoes, dried Spinach)

vegan vegan

in a 500ml returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Red Curry with Peas and Chickpeas
Ingredients: tomato pieces (20%), chickpeas (20%), peas, water, tomato paste, corn starch, onions, rapeseed oil, vegetable stock, curry, spices, iodized salt and pepper
Green Curry with Broccoli and Tofu
Ingredients: coconut milk, broccoli, tofu, soy yogurt, water, almonds, onions, vegetable broth, curry, turmeric, chilli flakes, iodized salt and pepper
Sweet Potato Curry with Lentils
Ingredients: sweet potatoes (20%), lentils, water, coconut milk, tomato paste, vegetable stock, curry, turmeric, chilli flakes, spices, iodized salt and pepper
Vegetable Curry with Pineapple
Ingredients: pineapple (12%), water, paprika, carrots, zucchini, coconut milk, vegetable broth, curry, spices, corn starch, salt and pepper
Chili Sin Carne with Soy Schnitzel
Ingredients: tomato pieces, kidney beans, corn, tomato juice, water, beer, soy pulp, corn starch, tomato paste, onions, broth, paprika powder, garlic, cinnamon, chilli flakes, iodized salt, pepper and spices
Vegan Bolognese
Ingredients: Vegan Bolognese (tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, onions, red lentils, soy schnitzel, grape juice, rice syrup, iodized salt, spices, garlic, chilli, pepper)

vegan vegan

in a returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Rice / Wild rice
250ml Ingredients: rice, wild rice
in a 430ml returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Pumpkin Soup
Ingredients: pumpkin (40%), water, orange juice, coconut milk, coconut flakes, rapeseed oil, vegetable broth, curry, ginger, garlic, spices, iodized salt and pepper
Tomato Soup
Ingredients: tomatoes (75%), onions, garlic, vinegar, spices, lemon juice, iodized sea salt

vegan vegan

Ingredients: tomatoes, chickpeas, soy pulp, raisins, onions, olive oil, vegetable broth, spices, cinnamon, paprika powder, iodized sea salt and pepper
in a 250ml returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Rice Pudding with Red Fruit Jelly
Ingredients: rice pudding (60%) (whole milk, short grain rice, sugar, salt), red fruit jelly (sour cherries, red and black currants, blueberries, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice, currant juice)
Yoghurt with Fruit Filling and Muesli
Ingredients: cream yogurt, fruit filling (plums, rhubarb, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice), muesli (oat flakes, almonds, honey, rapeseed oil, cinnamon, spices)
Chocolate Dessert with Cherry Filling
Ingredients: Chocolate-hazelnut dessert (60%) (whole milk, cream, sugar, modified starch, hazelnut pulp, cocoa powder, skimmed milk powder, guacernum flour), cherry filling (40%), (cherries, sugar, modified starch, lemon juice)
Chia Pudding with Apricot
Ingredients: chia pudding (soy drink, soy yogurt, apple juice, chia seeds, oat flakes), apricot filling (apricots, orange juice, sugar, lemon juice, corn starch, pectin)
in a 720ml returnable jar incl. 0,50€ deposit or in a 500g stock pack
Ingredients: oat flakes, honey, almonds (18%), rapeseed oil, cinnamon, allspice
Hazelnut with Cranberries
Ingredients: oat flakes, honey, nuts (15%) (hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews), seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds), rapeseed oil, cranberries (8%), desiccated coconut, salt
Chocolate with Pumpkin Seeds
Ingredients: oat flakes, honey, hazelnuts, chocolate pieces (4%), buckwheat pieces, rapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, cocoa
Ingredients: oat flakes, rice syrup, almonds (18%), rapeseed oil, cinnamon, allspice
Hazelnut with Cranberries
Ingredients: oat flakes, rice syrup, nuts (15%) (hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews), seeds (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame), rapeseed oil, cranberries (8%), desiccated coconut, salt
Chocolate with Pumpkin Seeds
Ingredients: oat flakes, honey, hazelnuts, chocolate pieces (4%), buckwheat pieces, rapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, cocoa
in a 220ml returnable glass incl. 0,50€ deposit
Strawberry-Rhubarb Fruit Spread
Ingredients: strawberries (50%), rhubarb (20%), grape juice, sugar, lemon juice, corn starch, pectin

vegan vegan

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von Conéro ist der 20.04.2022. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.