Restaurant Choi

Fehrbelliner Straße 4
10119 Berlin

Speisekarte von Restaurant Choi

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 04.07.2023
Speisekarte filtern
1. Gang Fried Perilla with batter in corn gazpacho
2. Gang Zuccini roll stuffed with mushroom and carrots
3. Gang Savory mung bean jelly salad
4. Gang Steamed tofu with sliced leak
5. Gang Cold seaweed noodles with watery napa cabbage kimchi & its broth
6. Gang Makolli ice cream with dried korean jujube

vegetarisch vegetarisch

Einem Gaumenfreund schmeckt dieses Gericht
1. Gang Fried Perilla with batter in corn gazpacho
2. Gang Rolled sea bream fillet dumpling with vegetables in a dashi broth
3. Gang Savory mung bean jelly salad
4. Gang Baked monkfish and tofu, covered with poree
5. Gang Cold seaweed noodles with watery napa cabbage kimchi & its broth
6. Gang Makolli ice cream with dried korean jujube
1. Gang Fried Perilla with batter in corn gazpacho
2. Gang Rolled sea bream fillet dumpling with vegetables in a dashi broth
3. Gang Pressed pork terrine salad
4. Gang Beef tenderloin steak with spicy sauce
5. Gang Cold seaweed noodles with watery napa cabbage kimchi & its broth
6. Gang Makolli ice cream with dried korean jujube

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von Restaurant Choi ist der 04.07.2023. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.