Café Nullpunkt

Friedrichstr 23B
10969 Berlin

Speisekarte von Café Nullpunkt

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 29.11.2023
Speisekarte filtern
Roasted baby potatoes with home made mayo

vegan vegan

Soup of the day with two slices of toasted cornbread roll
Mixed salad

vegetarisch vegetarisch

Caesar Salad
Seasonal lettuce, rocket, cucumber, dried tomato, olives, homemade cashew dressing and corn bread croutons
Quiche of the day
Seasonal vegetables, changing vegan cheeses, glutenfree* crust

vegan vegan

Egg Sandwich
warm scramled tofu, homemade mayo, lettuce, tomate, cucumber, cress and mustard on a crispy corn bread roll
13,90 (with salad)
White beans on AERA sourdough
with vegan herb cream cheese, roasted cherry tomatoes, garlic herb mushrooms, vegan feta crumbs and cress

vegan vegan

Lasagne with Salad
Spinach & mushroom ragu, oat based bechamel sauce, vegan parmesan and crispy breadcrumbs, served with salad

vegan vegan

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von Café Nullpunkt ist der 29.11.2023. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.